» Środa też jest dobra do grania. Bournemouth - Tottenham.
1/2 EFL CUP. Liverpool - Tottenham.
Czy wygramy jakiś mecz? Brentford - Tottenham.
Liga Europy - 8 kolejka. Tottenham - IF Elfsborg.
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W ramach 14. kolejki Premier League Tottenhamem zmierzy się na Vitality Stadium z miejscowym Bournemouth. Wisieńki zajmują obecnie 13 miejsce w tabeli a do 8 Tottenhamu tracą zaledwie 2 punkty. Do tej pory zanotowali 5 zwycięstw, 1 remis oraz 5 porażek. W ostatniej kolejce wygrali na wyjeździe z Wolverhampton 2:4, a hattricka z rzutów karnych ustrzelił Patrick Kluivert. Na uznanie zasługuje fakt, że na własnym stadionie The Cherries udało się pokonać takie zespoły jak Arsenal oraz Manchester City. Może też m.in. z tego powodu faworytem dzisiejszego meczu według bukmacherów jest właśnie Bournemouth.
Spurs wygrali tylko 1 z 5 poprzednich meczów a ta jedna wygrana miała miejsce przeciwko Manchesterowi City. Natomiast w ostatni weekend londyńczycy zagrali niesłychanie przeciętne zawody i zremisowali u siebie z Fulham. Gospodarzy we wspomnianych derbach wielokrotnie ratował Forster, a w całym spotkaniu Koguty oddały zaledwie 3 celne uderzenia.
Sytuacja kadrowa:
Tottenham: Kontuzjowani są Moore, Odobert, Richarlison, van de Ven i Vicario. Bentancur nadal pauzuje z powodu zawieszenia. Niepewni występu są Romero, Gray oraz Solanke.
Bournemouth: Kontuzjowani są Araujo, Scott oraz Sinisterra. Na problemy zdrowotne narzeka też Cook.
Transmisja: Viaplay
Start: 21:15
Sędzia: Simon Hooper
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>>kiriak napisał:
>>>>KRIS napisał:<br />
>>Fajna nitka, łapcie, czytajcie, wnioski wyciągajcie:<br /><br />
<br /><br />
https://x.com/SB8308715342770/status/1865303342815064474?t=UErrXEqAzRGacHr1UkLKQg&s=19 <br />
<br />
Mojżesz przekleić fragmenty?
Root Cause
Begins at board level with Daniel Levy key in transfers in and out of the club. Levy is a success off the pitch that can’t be questioned, on it nothing short of a disaster! But he will tell you otherwise and actually prides himself on what the clubs achieved on such low investment over his tenure!
New Footballing structure
After Fabio Paratici’s situation Levy was forced to form a new footballing structure which on the face it looks respectable but the substance is very thread bare.
Hiring Scott Munn as Sporting Director which was a risky decision a man who has been Chairman at Manchester City groups Asian clubs and International Relations! He has no Elite club top 5 European league experience a man learning on the job.
Recruitment Concerns
Scott Munn was keen to put in place his own recruitment and scouting department pretty much dismantling a lot of Paratici’s previous structure which had been on the most part positive.
Munn decided to hire Johan Lange, a Sporting Director demoted then asked to leave by Aston Villa with just 4 years experience at this level. Aston Villa have improved massively gaining Champions league football far from the 14th place Lange left them in!
Winning Formula’s
Pararici’s experience can’t be bought a man who built title winning squads delivering Champions league football season in and out, and with connections all over Europe.
Lange simply has not had the time in the job being a manager previously to possibly learn and gain the contacts needed to push Spurs in the right direction!
Ange Postecoglou
Postecoglou might not be an elite name, and his tactics and in game management can be questionable. He has demonstrated maybe he can pull Spurs in the right direction.
But the board knew and would have done research in what having Ange as manager required. Ange does need to be more flexible, but a fair argument is, has Ange been backed sufficiently? Is this a project?
Can’t replace Experience with Experience?
Ange said you can’t replace experience with experience fair point, but you can with quality! Spurs let a number of experienced players go in the hope new younger players could replenish positions saving £30m + in wages and making £60m in transfer revenue! Spurs are still left short in a number of key areas! And have a new £150,000 a week wage cap on new signings!
LCB / LB - Striker - DM - Winger
Asset Stripping?
Four Fronts
Spurs have suffered major hamstring injuries 6 players this season have suffered injuries. It can be argued on both sides that is Ange working the players too hard, or does have enough players to able to rotate his squad more efficiently.
The drop off in key positions is apparent is Ange putting tactics over circumstance? Will this cost Ange ultimately with the effect it’s having on results?
Spurs are Still participants in the EFL Cup & F.A Cup.
Why Should Ange Postecoglou Change..
Maybe Ange ain’t good enough for Spurs maybe he has been found out, but all those things could be true but also wrong equally!
Maybe with correct footballing structure behind him he could be successful. As the stats like Vincent Kompany’s Burnley in terms of game play maybe positives can be seen by other clubs!
Spurs have a lot of similar stats to Liverpool maybe Ange sticks to his philosophy and lands a better job because of Spurs lack of ambition and support..
Important Season…
Spurs have a number of key players in the last 3 years or less of their current contracts:
- Bentancur 2027
- Kulusevski 2027
- Romero 2028
- Porro 2028
All 4 were bought by paratici and would make the club massive profit from the club’s initial investment. All 3 want the assurance of championship league football, can spurs offer that? do you trust Lange to replace them? Will Levy keep the money for more off the pitch investment? Like the Oliver Skipp money
January Looms…
Spurs need to have a January window which replicates the one that Paratici signed:
- Dejan Kulusevski
- Rodrigo Bentancur
2 players that can come in and instantly make an impact and start games and drive Spurs forward are now urgently needed! Which is a hard task in January with clubs demanding more or refusing to sell players completely until summer!
Coaching and more Cost cutting, Boomerang man (Mason)
Ange Postecoglou wasn’t at first allowed to bring his own coaches as Levy tried to use it as another area to cut costs hiring his own cheaper staff for Ange to utilise.
Ryan Mason is a constant part of the Spurs coaching team after failing in each project, Mason was forced on Ange. This season Ange was able to add 2 of his own preferred coaches!
Tottenham have to now lean heavily back on Fabio Paratici’s experience and knowledge and contacts.
Having Fabio still able to work as a consultant and advise and advocate for signings and solutions Spurs should go back to it asap.
Not doing so could set the club even further behind rivals in the top 6 and see the best players leave!
Focus on Football…
Spurs as a club is focused on 3 things at this moment:
- Building a £300m Hotel
- Gaining the Capital to Build Apartments
- Cutting costs raising shareholder dividends
Recent savings: £30m + player wages, £18m in Management, Directors, Coaches Salaries
Recent gains: Europa League £30m minimum, Ticket price hikes £4m, 30 extra events £40m +
£120m + of raised income
You could sack Ange Postecoglou if the squad you can be sure the next manager can get more out of the players!
But your still have that poor footballing structure. And squad not fit for purpose Spurs won’t attract the best managers in the club current state. I don’t think right now sacking Ange is the solution but he won’t last the season with the lack of support and squad depth! Spurs won’t be a top 10 club under this footballing system with or without Ange as manager

>>KRIS napisał:
>>>>Spurs napisał:<br />
>>Solanke ale to jest sralnik straszny<br /><br />
65 mln xD <br />
<br />
Wreszcie ktoś się ze mną zgadza
A kto u nas gra dobrze ? Jak by to dobrze wyglądało to nawet zawodnicy wchodzący z u21 czy Ci jeszcze młodsi jakoś by wyglądali. U nas panuje chaos żadnego ładu i składu. Niestety panowie z naszego zarządu popadają w skrajności z trenerów pragmatycznych poszliśmy w chaos i samowolkę. I już nie wiem co wolę. Zbliżamy się niebezpiecznie to tego poziomu co graliśmy za późnego Pocha a to był chyba najgorszy Tottenham jaki pamiętam.

Kopanina i nic więcej. Johnson zniknął, obrona zagubiona, środek bezradny. Nie ma nikogo do wyróżnienia, może Forster co dużo mówi o tym meczu. A najgorsze, że właśnie czegoś takiego się spodziewałem, nie jestem ani trochę zaskoczony. Na tą chwilę jesteśmy na poziomie środka tabeli, takie Bournemouth to nasz poziom. I nie może tego zaburzyć mecz z City, które po pierwsze ma doła jak nigdy wcześniej w historii Pepa, a po drugie od zawsze nam leży. Ćwierćfinał LE, ósme miejsce w PL, na tą chwilę tak rokujemy.
BTW, Kepa jest jak ten jeden typ z roboty, który na niczym się nie zna, tylko krąży od biura do biura, od stanowiska do stanowiska i go nikt nie potrafi wy*ebać. Ja już o typie zapomniałem, myślałem że jakaś segunda division, a tu niespodzianka, jak diabeł z pudełka
A najlepsze jest to, że za każdym razem jak przeciw niemu gramy, to mu nie dajemy szans żeby błąd popełnił. A wystarczyłoby pewnie mniej lub bardziej prosto kopnąć piłkę na bramkę.